At JMSPTE, our priority is your success. We teach PTE for the last 8 years, and helped thousands of students to get their PR, Nursing Registration and university admissions. We “literally” changed the course of lives for thousands of students who trusted us. PTE is not our job or business. PTE is our PASSION. It is our way of living.
JMS PTE had humble beginning in 2017 in Sydney, Australia. It all started when the founder director started wondering why his best childhood friend – though she was excellent in English – was unable to score her desired scores in her PTE for her PR points. His childhood friend was so helpless and she asked the founder director’s help, even though he was not an English trainer. However, with a genuine desire to help his childhood friend, the founder director started researching about PTE, and wrote the exams himself just to know more about the exam. Further, with in-depth research and studies, he understood how the “PTE software was scoring the answers”, and then started experimenting with PTE exams.
He developed a “powerful induction session” and devised his own strategies. I trained his childhood friend and she scored her desired scores, he started teaching her friends on a private basis from his own house, and the students started getting excellent scores. They improved so much, and even scored 90 out of 90!
He devised radical strategies which were not heard of till then in the industry! Students did not believe him till they got their required scores. The founder director devised an unbelievable 90:10 format for “Write an Essay”. This unique format will require the student to write just 20 words in a ready to use 200-word essay format irrespective of the questions asked in “Write an Essay” in PTE! This 90:10 format (90% format and 10% your words) made students not to believe in him till they got their scores!
Gradually, from his house, the founder director moved his classes to the hearts of Sydney to York Street near Town Hall. Students from his community started flocking to his centre in Sydney. Students came from other states like Canberra and Western Australia to attend his classes! None of them were disappointed, as they got their desired scores after so many failed attempts with other English exams and PTE coaching at other training institutions.
Due to high demand from other coutries, the founder director started Whats app video classes, which then progressed to ZOOM classes. With COVID, ZOOM classes became a norm and 100% of students started attending classes through ZOOM. Since PTE is a computer exam, and JMSPTE has excellent methods of evaluating Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening scores through ZOOM platform, and also since students get huge personal attention in the JMSPTE classes, soon the JMSPTE’s online classes became a highly sought after PTE coaching for students in Australia.
Now, with 8 years of experience, JMSPTE moves to Kerala with a view to help thousands of students to achieve their desired scores through the tested and proven strategies and expertise of JMSPTE.
Attend our free class and differentiate “brilliant classes” from “good classes”. It will be a loss for you if you are not attending our FREE TRAIL CLASS.
JMS TSCS is driven by commitment and passion. With us, you can pass your PTE and NATTI in your very first attempt. AgedCare courses will make you job ready. Uni admissions are done to meet your educational goals. At JMS TSCS, our priority is your success.
Make Your PTE Easy and Simple with JMSPTE’s Strategies
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PTE can be an extremely important milestone in your life, and you should not take RISK with your PTE training. There are many training providers in the market, who boast about legacy and thousands of success stories. With them, you simply may end up sitting as one among hundreds of students, and may get lost in the crowd, that too after paying hundreds of dollars. Therefore, it is in your interest that you MUST attend a FREE CLASS, before you take a decision for such an important exam in your life. Now, you may attend “some GOOD demo classes” with someone, and yet may miss “EXCELLENT Classes”. Hence, we recommend you to attend a FREE CLASS with JMSPTE and differentiate EXCELLENT QUALITY from GOOD QUALITY.
We have unique 80:20 formats for PTE for three items in PTE, where you can use 80% of our format (just 14 almost identical sentences) and 20% your own writing (around 32 words! YES, ONLY words, and NOT sentences) in the actual test. These formats are designed in such a manner that you cannot go wrong and can score 90 (9 band) in those respective sections.
We guarantee 9 band for 6 different questions types (out of 20 question types), if you follow our strategies EXACTLY AS IT IS. JMSPTE is the first to give such a guarantee in the industry, and we are waiting for our competition to claim this soon in their websites and social media!
We guarantee 9 band for 6 different questions types (out of 20 question types), if you follow our strategies EXACTLY AS IT IS. JMSPTE is the first to give such a guarantee in the industry, and we are waiting for our competition to claim this soon in their websites and social media! We have unique 80:20 formats for PTE for three items in PTE, where you can use 80% of our format (just 14 almost identical sentences) and 20% your own writing (around 32 words! YES, ONLY words, and NOT sentences) in the actual test. These formats are designed in such a manner that you cannot go wrong and can score 90 (9 band) in those respective sections.
You will get the complete online study materials guidance with JMSPTE. You can practice the same at the comfort of your home. Reference for Why Choose Us Format
With JMSPTE, we do not leave any stone unturned to make you get your 8 band or 7 band. We insist you doing a mock exam, and we supervise the same in person, especially Speaking session to give you the best guidance. We identify areas of improvement and correct you on the spot. This is one of the key reasons why our students do exceedingly well with the Speaking session. If you observe our PTE results, most of our students get 9 band or 8.5 band in Speaking. We also give feedback for every other single question type to prepare you to get the best in the exam. We have unlimited essay and summary correction.
JMSPTE has assisted hundreds of students to get their 8 band, 7 band and 6 band, and thereby realising their life dreams. Many of our students are First Time Test Takers, who are able to clear their PTE requirements in the very first time itself. We also have the history of the highest improvement in Speaking for students from their previous attempts. We also have the trend of students joining from other PTE training institutions and achieving their required 8 band or 7 band with us.
Our idea is not to get your fee payment and then ignore you. It is also not our idea to give you limited classes, and then press you for additional payment for long term classes. Hence, we commit ourselves to provide you “unlimited classes till you get the score”. Additionally, sometimes the PTE journey can be a bit longer than expected! You may need a long time to fix reading and listening. In such cases, we extend our commitment with an “unlimited classes” offer, so that you do not want to worry about regular classes, right guidance, expert advice and latest study materials.
Many students worry about Speaking and Writing. But, with JMSPTE, your Speaking and Writing can be a walk in the park, as we have an unique strategy of 80:20 formats. This means that we give you 80% of the formats for questions of Speaking and Writing. The formats are extremely simple that even a below average student will be able to easily execute the strategies in the actual exam. Now, all institutes have formats. How are we different? We are different that irrespective of the questions, you can use 80% of our Speaking and Writing formats AS IT IS. You may just use “words”, yes “only words” from your side depends on the questions. These formats are designed in such a manner that you cannot go wrong and can score 90 (9 band) in those respective sections.
PTE is not only a computer-based exam, but it is also a computer based and time constrained test. Our experts, over a period of years, have decoded the scoring methodology, and come up with strategies, tips, approaches and formats to over-smart the software. There are two types of scoring methodology with PTE – “Partial Marking” and “Right or Wrong Marking”. Our strategies can make you get 90 for the Partial Marking items. Our tips and approaches will help you manage the time for the “Right or Wrong Marking”. You may not even believe some of our strategies!
PTE is not our job or business. PTE is our PASSION. It is our way of living. We breathe, walk, eat and sleep with PTE. No exaggeration! We have gone through every possible difficulties of our students related to PTE. Let it be speaking, listening, reading or writing. Let it be pronunciation, oral fluency, grammar, written discourse, or let it be your nervousness or tension or anxiety. Let it be anything related to PTE! We have the expertise to address that issue!
PTE is not our job or business. PTE is our PASSION. It is our way of living. We breathe, walk, eat and sleep with PTE. No exaggeration! We have gone through every possible difficulties of our students related to PTE. Let it be speaking, listening, reading or writing. Let it be pronunciation, oral fluency, grammar, written discourse, or let it be your nervousness or tension or anxiety. Let it be anything related to PTE! We have the expertise to address that issue!